Our Growth and Communities Team
Our Growth & Communities Team supports volunteers to grow and develop Scouts locally. We work with existing and new volunteers to enable more young people to benefit from the opportunities, skills and adventures which Scouting offers.
Our teams are experts in inclusive growth. They can support local Scouting to:
* Recruit and retain volunteers
* Support communities to open new sections and groups
* Ensure the sustainability and help to re-energise existing sections
* Induct and welcome key line managers
We regularly update the information, advice and resources available on the Growing Scouts page and provide tailored local support via the support options below. Click the links to read more about the support on offer or get in touch with your nation’s team below to find out about further support available near you. If in doubt, get in touch and one of our team will get back to you.
Our Team #TeamMerseyside
As Scouts, we believe in preparing young people with skills for life. We bring communities together and contribute to society. Above all, we aim to build better futures. Each week almost half a million young people enjoy fun, friendship and outdoor adventure. They develop a sense of optimism and strong values as well as the leadership and teamwork skills that are more valuable today than ever before.
Across Merseyside, we now want to go further and our plan for the next five years is simple. We will support amazing leaders to deliver an inspiring programme and prepare more young people with skills for life. We’ll contribute to a better society. But most of all our plan is for young people. They deserve the best skills, the best support and the best possible futures.
Our Mission
Scouting actively engages and supports young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

Our Vision
We will prepare more young people with skills for life, supported by amazing leaders delivering an inspiring programme, across a well-managed provision throughout Merseyside. Across Merseyside, we will…
- be growing, more inclusive, shaped by young people and making a bigger impact in our communities
- focus on what matters; and the actions that will increase the impact of Scouting
- maximise our impact; doing less, doing it well, supporting and embedding
- make volunteering as easy as possible; keeping it practical and simple
- work together; sharing and collaborating in keeping with our culture
Our Plan
We believe Scouts changes lives and at #TeamMerseyside we want to give every young person the opportunity to join.
Everyone, regardless of their background, should be able to participate in Scouts.
Youth Shaped
Every young person should be shaping their experience and developing their leadership potential.
Community impact
Through community impact projects, Scouts makes a difference not just to the individual but to whole communities. #TeamMerseyside
Project Requests
To find out about what support is available to you visit the Growth and Communities website. Here you will find detail of all our Workshops, Peer2Peer Support Groups and online tools and resources.
Direct Support from a member of the team is also available. This could include planning an open event, organising a Four Week Challenge, delivering school assemblies, recruiting new members and volunteers, hosting parent talks, promoting in the community and online and designing an engaging programme. If you would like to request support please make your District Commissioner aware and complete the form Growth & Communities Team Project Request Form.