The years 2015 – 2020 were some of the most challenging and exciting of my life so far. I embarked on a number of new adventures, which included starting and completing my medical degree and completing my Queen’s Scout Award – two achievements I am most proud of.
Moving away from home was daunting at first but thanks to Scouting I had many of the skills needed to be able to fend for myself. I joined a local Scout Group as a leader to help feel part of the community and continue my log book for completing my Queen’s Scout Award.
Juggling my studies whilst continuing my hobbies sometimes became difficult especially being on placement in different areas. I had to focus on organising everything in order to fit it all in! I managed to run Group meetings weekly, go climbing, continue looking after my horse, go on weekends away and keep up with all my uni work!
Looking back the support network and skills I gained throughout my years in Scouting enabled me to get to where I am today. The movement teaches you to always try your hardest, to be a leader and team player and most importantly that we are a global community. I feel these attributes are relevant now more than ever with the current global pandemic forcing us to come together to work towards a common goal.
I am now a proud holder of my Queen’s Scout Award and a Foundation Doctor, but this isn’t the end there are many more adventures to be had, things to learn and goals to be achieved!