We’re working in partnership with the Science and Technology Facilities Council team at Daresbury Laboratory to bring support for science activities to young people across Merseyside; and we have a great opportunity to share.
Event: Science of Dragons Show
Date and Time: 21 May 2021 4pm to 5pm
Speaker: Sue McGrath aka Scientific Sue!
This event is open to young people age 5+, with parent/carer supervision. Join Scientific Sue on this most historical and creative journey of scientific discovery. This show is interactive, therefore after registering we will send you a list of objects and ingredients should you wish to play along. And the Vikings are partying, so why not dress up as a Viking or dragon and join in with the celebration! Her fire and icy fog breathing dragons are celebrating the hatching of their latest baby, there is just one problem this little dragon can’t fly yet.
Scientific Sue will investigate and explore the science of how dragons fly and, using some of the science behind the different dragon fire types (steam, icy fog, explosive gases, flammable liquids and of course big flames and tornado type fire!) plus dragon’s disgusting digestion processes, she hopes to engineer a way which will allow the baby dragon to fly and join in with the celebrations!