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Normally each January, we invite those responsible for leading and supporting other volunteers to come together for a day of planning. This hasn’t been possible during 2021. Earlier this year, we came together for a half day planning session which was a great success. Those who attended asked us to follow up again three months later.
We now invite those in leadership and support roles to join us at our next Leadership and Support Summit during the morning of Saturday 10th April. This online event is open to Group Scout Leaders (and Deputies), Assistant District Commissioners (and District Supporters), Assistant County Commissioners (and County Supporters) and District Commissioners (and Deputies).
We’ll be covering the following topics:
- Focusing on rebuilding Sections and Units
- Programme achievements
- Quality programme
- Young leaders
- Funded growth project update
- Identifying vulnerable Sections and Units
- Impactful support to help vulnerable Sections and Units to restart and rebuild
- Managers and Supporters engaging in the project to ensure support is sustained
- Early years
- Q&A