Our Locations

We’re focused on supporting and developing the life changing work we deliver through our Sections, Units and Groups; right across over 145 communities of Merseyside – so you won’t be far away from one of our Groups or Units.

Find your local Scout Group

Enter your postcode or location, then click ‘Search’:

Across Merseyside, we have…

  • 7000+ Young People
  • 2000+ Regular Volunteers
  • 500+ Sections and Units, led by Section and Unit Leadership Teams
  • 140 Scout Groups, led by Group Scout Leaders
  • 10 Districts, led by District Lead Volunteers
  • Tawd Vale Adventure Centre Customers

Our provision is structured into Districts…

Our Districts help us to provide local leadership and support to Scout Groups and Units.

Each of our Districts are led by a District Lead Volunteer, and their team. Each of our Scout Groups are led by a Group Lead Volunteer, and their team.

DistrictDistrict Lead VolunteerContact Information
AltsidePaul ClarePaul.Clare@merseysidescouts.com
BebingtonChris GerrardChris.Gerrard@merseysidescouts.com
BirkenheadJane RichardsJane.Richards@merseysidescouts.com
CrosbyRob GorstRob.Gorst@merseysidescouts.com
Liverpool NorthHelen HanniganHelen.Hannigan@merseysidescouts.com
Liverpool SouthBen ElmanBen.Elman@merseysidescouts.com
Sefton NorthSid LudlowSid.Ludlow@merseysidescouts.com
St. HelensKaren AckersKaren.Ackers@merseysidescouts.com
WallaseyIan BellIan.Bell@merseysidescouts.com
West WirralAndy LongstaffAndy.Longstaff@merseysidescouts.com

Links to District websites can be found in the footer of this website.