With additional restrictions being eased across England and by The Scouts, a number of Merseyside Scout Groups have returned to camping after nearly 18 months.
Tim, from 12th Crosby Scout Group has wrote a blog on his groups recent Summer Camp to share:
“12th Crosby recently camped at Birmingham’s County Site, Blackwell Scout Activity Centre for a week.
Our numbers ranged between 28 and 34 throughout the week with various permutations of Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders.
We did all the usual activities climbing, abseiling, caving, raft building, canoeing and Jacobs Ladder to name a few, including cooking on wood and some of the youngsters got a shock doing their own washing!
We visited Avoncroft Rural museum to see an English Civil War re-enactment and enjoyed a ride on the miniature steam railway there.
The weather didn’t spoil the camp. We all had a smashing time with everyone coming home shattered.”