Doing things safely is fundamental to everything we do in Scouts, and our responsibilities are detailed within our Policy, Organisation and Rules.
Report a Close Call/ Incident
If you have experienced a Close Call or become Ill or Injured at a Merseyside Scouts Event, or at Tawd Vale Adventure Centre, please complete this form.
It is the policy of The Scouts to safeguard the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk by protecting them from neglect and from physical, sexual and emotional harm. The Scouts understand that individuals thrive in safe surroundings so we are committed to ensuring that Scouting is safe and enjoyable for everyone involved and that safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and The Charity Commission requirements.
This policy:
- applies to all adults including the Board of Trustees, volunteers, paid staff, agency staff and anyone working on behalf of The Scouts;
- recognises that the welfare and interests of children, young people & adults at risk are paramount in all circumstances; and
- aims to ensure that all children, young people & adults at risk have a positive and enjoyable experience of Scouting in a safe and person-centred environment and are protected from abuse whilst participating in Scouting and otherwise.
It is the responsibility of all adults involved in Scouting to have read and understood the Safeguarding Policy & Procedures and the Safeguarding Policy & Procedures must be adhered to at all times. All breaches of the policy and procedures will be dealt with within in line with Policy, Organisation and Rules, and the Safeguarding Processes and Procedures.
Safeguarding Training
As part of our Growing Roots learning, all volunteers in Scouts must complete their Safeguarding training within the first five months of their role start date (as recorded in our Adult Membership Tool) and then renewed every three years.
Our Safeguarding training ensures that our adult volunteers understand how to keep young people and adults safe in Scouts and includes how to recognise abuse and report concerns.
You’ll access your Safeguarding Growing Roots training on the My Learning tab in your Membership Profile.
The Scouts sets out to deliver everyday adventure and develop skills for life in a growing movement of adult volunteers and young people aged 5-25, in the UK and internationally.
The Scouts recognises that life is not risk-free, and in its turn Scouting is not risk-free. As Scouts, we believe that our members benefit most from our activities when we manage these risks to wellbeing to be as low as is reasonably practicable. Identifying and proportionately managing risk is a skill for life that we wish to kindle, develop and enhance in all of our members.
All those involved in Scouting must, so far as is reasonably practicable and to the extent of their role, ability and understanding;
- Properly assess and document the risk of every activity undertaken in Scouting. This assessment should be suitable and sufficient for the activity being undertaken, and follows that activities with higher risk should require more in-depth assessment.
- Provide and receive clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure members are competent to undertake their task
- Prevent accidents and cases of ill health by managing the health and safety risks in Scouting
- Maintain safe and healthy conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances
- Review risk assessments as often as necessary when circumstances and conditions change.
- Never be afraid to change or stop an activity if risk increases.
Safety Training
As part of our Growing Roots learning, all volunteers in Scouts must complete their Safety training within the first five months of their role start date (as recorded in our Adult Membership Tool) and then renewed every three years.
Our Safety training ensures that our volunteers understand their responsibilities for keeping everyone in Scouts safe and how to assess and manage risk.
You’ll access your Safety Growing Roots training on the My Learning tab in your Membership Profile.
Additional Safety Information
There’s a range of information available on The Scouts website, which includes guidance on activities, programmes, camps and managing Scout premises.
Planning and Assessing Risk
Assessing risk in order to reduce or remove it is at the heart of safe Scouting and is present in everything we do. Remember risk assessment is something we all do every day in deciding to cross a road or get out of the car, so no one should be scared of doing a risk assessment within Scouting. Resources are provided to help provide simple and practical guidance on this issue.
Click here to read more about planning and assessing risk.
There are also some useful tips to ensure we offer a safe experience through our programmes, nights away, events and within our premises:
- Safety in the Programme: get some practical ideas of how to bring safety into your programme.
- Keeping Safe at Camp: find out more top tips for staying safe whilst doing practical skills and in a camping environment.
- Event Safety and Planning: guidance for those planning, managing or responsible for approving events within Scouting to ensure that they are delivered in a safe way.
- Managing Safe Scout Premises: top tips for managing a Scout premises safely.
Emergencies and Reporting
It is important to know what to do in an emergency and for all involved in an activity to be on the same page with what is going to happen. It is also important to have clear processes for reporting of incidents, both locally, nationally and where appropriate to other agencies.
Event Safety Support
The Merseyside First Aid Support Team (Mfast) is responsible for providing first aid support to internal and external events, and for supporting the development of our culture of safety. Available to support District and Group events, as available of the team allows.
You can also check out their Facebook page.
For more information about Mfast, please contact:
Les Shaw (Sub-Team Lead [Mfast])
Access eLearning
If you’re a volunteer who needs to undertake or renew Safeguarding and/or Safety training, you can access the eLearning modules using the My Learning digital tool, built into your Membership Profile on Once completed, your Learning Profile will be automatically updates.
Safety Cards
You can also click on the image below to download safety cards, which are a helpful reminder of key policies and procedures.