The King’s Scout Award is the culmination of everything that Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members have achieved in Scouting.

The King’s Scout Award must be completed before a Network Member reaches their 25th birthday. Take a look here for more information and resources including the Reach the Top guide which can be found here. Upon completing the King’s Scout Award, which is the highest award for youth members in the UK, award holders will be invited to Windsor Castle to celebrate their achievement.
The King’s Scout Award is designed to be challenging but entirely flexible to suit the needs of the young person engaged in it. To complete it, participants must undertake six items from the International, Community and Values (ICV) list.
You can obtain a log book to track and record your award by clicking here.
You can also download a useful guide here.
You don’t have to register to participate in this award; but by letting us know that you are working towards your King’s Scout Award, we can better support you.
Register your intention to complete the Award here, and we’ll be in touch to see how we can help.
Activities (including the membership requirement) can count towards the award from the date of registration and back dated up to a maximum of 3 months (but not before your 16th birthday).
Award participants must:
- Be aged between 16 and 25 years old
- Be a member of Explorer Scouts or Scout Network (or both) for at least 18 months
- Be a member of Explorer Scouts or Scout Network at the time you complete the award
Reach the Top
Download the Reach the Top guide for Explorer Scouts, Scout Network members, Leaders and Commissioners, here.
For support with Queen Scout Award, please contact:
Lee Allwood (Assistant County Commissioner for Programme Achievement, and King’s Scout Award Co-Ordinator)