It’s been a long time coming, but we’ve made a start on planning the return of some of our events. We hope we’re able to run them, and we can’t wait to see you there.
More news will follow on events such as Beavan Challenge and some of our events for volunteers.
Celebrating Success
This event is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our young people who have been awarded the respective Chief Scout’s Award in their Section, and the the Queen’s Scout Award.
When: Expected to take place on either Saturday 26th February 2022 or Saturday 5th March 2022
Where: Venue to be confirmed.
Great Escape
This annual event is for members of Merseyside’s Scout Section, aged primarily between 10 1/2 and 14. Young people take part in a wide range of challenges, in their Patrols.
When: Friday 8th to Sunday 10th April 2022
Where: Tawd Vale Adventure Centre
Wingding is a large event for Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts from across Merseyside. We also plan to make this event accessible to Squirrels. It takes place every two years and provides an exciting weekend of adventure centred around the following activity zones: Adventure, Creative, Fun, Water, Bush craft, Global and Arena events.
When: Friday 17th to Sunday 19th June 2022
Where: Tawd Vale Adventure Centre
The Mersey Moot is held annually for some 1000+ Explorer Scouts, Ranger Guides, Young Leaders and Network members.
When: Friday 9th to Sunday 11th September 2022
Where: Tawd Vale Adventure Centre
Night At The Museum
This event alternates between Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts. In 2022, this is an exciting opportunity for Beavers to explore the World Museum Liverpool, undertaking a range of activities and finishing off with a sleepover. The activities will support aspects of the Beaver programme and more information will be provided nearer the time.
When: Expected to take place on either Saturday 19th or Saturday 26th November 2022
Where: World Museum, Liverpool (subject to confirmation)