1st August to 12th August 2023.
Think big. Dream wild. Act together
In Summer 2023, more than 40,000 Scouts from all over the world will gather in Korea for the 25 World Scout Jamboree. We’re so proud that thousands of UK young people aged 14 to 17 and their leaders will be there as part of the UK Contingent. As part of the UK Contingent, we’ll have 36 young people and 4 Unit Leaders from Merseyside taking part in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Our Contingent are more than just travel buddies, they are planners, fundraisers, motivators and mentors. We’ve got a lot to achieve in a short time but we’ll leap at the challenge as we… Think big. Dream wild. Act Together.
We’re now recruiting our Unit Leadership Team (see the links on this page to find out more and apply) and will be sharing more about how we’ll then be working with Districts to build our Unit.

Ways to get involved:
Find out how we’re building Merseyside’s Unit (Coming Soon)